Christina Pazsitzky: Mom Genes

Christina P. is married to Tom Segura whose comic is dark. She has a wicked sense of humor herself. In her latest Netflix special, Mom Genes, she joked about her family, which included her father, husband, and sons, without a dull moment. She revealed that her 75-year-old father remarried for the fifth time to a 34-year-old Vietnamese lady who he met online. Their marriage was based on a mutual exchange: she wanted a green card and he wanted free mani-pedi. Being married to a regular guy, she knows how to make him happy. He just needs three things: sandwich, sports, and sex. The first two were easy, but the last one she just felt like giving up. She talked about the last item with a gag, “After spending a day with my three- and six-year-old boys, I am dryer than Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s pussy. She is dead and that is a dusty puss.” She knew how a marriage worked so she just had to do her part. Christina P. is a brilliant comic. She not only uses her words, but also her facial features to let us know that she was only making jokes. That was how she got away with mocking Vietnamese accent and the word “detard.”
