Ronny Chieng: Asian Comedian Destroys America!

I don’t even recall Ronny Chieng in Crazy Rich Asian, but I am definitely paying attention to him now. His latest Netflix special is brilliant. He makes the case for how the internet is the new smoking. Online misinformation not only makes us dumber, but also dangerous. From an outsider, he observes how America has so much abundance. We throw away more napkins than what we take. We want instinct access to everything thanks Amazon Prime Now. Where do we go from here? He suggests Prime Before. Using AI to get us things we don’t even know we need. He admits black people are so cool that they even own their own slur. He gives convincing scenarios of how Asians be objective referees among the race war in America. We don’t care about black or white. Next time white people feel threatened about black people having a cookout, don’t call the police. Just call Asians and we’ll fix it. That’s why we need an Asian president because we get shit done in a week. What I appreciate about Ronny is that he takes on divisive issues without being divisive. He understands the edge, but never goes over the edge. I am so glad to see another Asian comedian doing his thing. Yes, you did my fucking chink!
