Toyota Sienna 2011: 120,000 Miles

I just created a maintenance category to keep track of all the maintenances. I keep lose track of all my receipts and I don’t remember what I have done. So this blog will keep everything in one place.

Our Toyota Sienna 2011 is reaching 120,000 miles and here are what we have done:

  • Replaced 4 Michelin Premier tires: $800
  • Replaced rear break pads: $155 ($60 part & $95 labor)
  • Tuned up: $400 ($85 Spark plugs, $15 air filter, $15 cabin air filter first time fit)

Total cost: $1355

Still need to replace shocks. These auto mechanics are milking everything they can. The tires were bought from Costco. The tune-up services were provided by C&G Specialty Auto Repair and Auto Body.
