Mastering the True Craft of Web Typography

Professional Typography is featured in the Smashing Newsletter, Cat Clark writes:

The time when web design was limited to just a handful of default system fonts seems like a distant memory. But with the coming of web font services, and all the choices they offer, the process of selecting and implementing the perfect typeface can sometimes feel like more of a chore and less of the pleasure that it should be.

Donny Truong is here to help change that. With his new free eBook “Pro Web Type“, described by Jeremy Keith as “practical and refreshingly succinct”, Donny leads his readers step by step through the craft of making beautiful, successful typographic choices. From the various ways of delivering web fonts, through to selecting body text, setting type in the browser and picking type for UI, chapter by chapter, the website offers plenty of practical, applicable advice that is sure to put you back in confident control of your typography.

Thanks for the love.
