Fed Up

Stephanie Soechtig’s documentary, Fed Up, provides an informative and frightening perspective on obesity, sugar, and the food industry in America. You probably already know what causes most Americans to be overweight, but it is still worth watching. It is available on Netflix.

Speaking of fed up, I am in my third week of intermittent fasting and cutting off sugar as much as I can. In the morning, I replaced my hot coffee with hot green tea. I don’t eat anything until 1pm. Yesterday, I was so into working that I didn’t eat until 2:30pm and I felt fine. My daily lunch had been Spring Mix with four pieces of Thanh Sơn’s fried tofu and lots of Sriracha sauce. If I get tired of that, I would go to Così for a bit more fancy salad. I also walked a mile or so after lunch. Then I had another hot green tea. Dinner I just have a regular meal with my family. Skipping breakfast is not a big deal for me. I did that when I was younger. I usually had breakfast all by myself so I don’t miss it at all.

I am feeling better with the new routine even though I haven’t made that much change in my diet. Let’s see if I get better result in a few months.
