Segura, Johnson and Redd

Caught a few standup comedies on Netflix.

Tom Segura: Completely Normal

Segura delivered many quick, witty shots. While he landed punches, I wish he covered less topics and more details.

Anjelah Johnson: The Homecoming Show

Remember Johnson? The Mexican chick who made terrible Vietnamese accent. Her recent show, however, was not so bad. Unlike most standup comedians, Johnson didn’t use one curse word. If you could get past her slightly annoying pitch, Johnson could be enjoyable. Her jokes were lighter and her charisma carried through. Thank goodness that she didn’t try the Vietnamese imitation.

Jasper Redd: Jazz Talk

Out of the three, Redd stood out the most. His metaphors were brilliant. So many great lines in his routine, but the one stuck in my mind was on racism: Before you do your laundry, you have to separate the white from the color because the color will fuck up the white. His perspective made even mundane things sounded interested. Try to explain to your kids how the Whopper Jr. was made. I am sure Burger King didn’t think of it when they came up with the mini version of the Whopper.
