WordPress or MODX, Why Not Embrace Both?

I cringe every time I see an article with a headline like this: “WordPress or MODX? The Winner Is…” Obviously fans of both camp would show up in the comment section and start a war. Let’s just stop it. Since both are open source, why not embrace both? It doesn’t cost you a dime.

Both WordPress and MODX are my favorite platforms at the moment. I use both for my full-time job as well as my freelance gigs. Rather than picking one over the other, why not use the one that is appropriate for your project?

I love the speed of WordPress. I could have a WordPress site up and running in ten minutes and I could also quickly create a custom design based off a starter theme. That’s the strength of WordPress.

On the other hand, MODX gives me complete control of my markup. I can create a site exactly the way I had imagined without the need of a starter theme. Obviously the process takes much longer, but the result is worth every minute of my time.

As someone who offers full web service (from design to front-end development to back-end development), I can give my clients the options. MODX would be more expensive because it takes more work. Then again, it also depends on the scope of the project. So for me, the winner is both.
