15 Years Ago Today…

I started my freshman year at La Salle University. I came in as a communication major. I actually didn’t even know what communication major was. My cousin advised me I should go into it because I liked music and movie. After the first semester I knew right away public speaking was not for me. Then I decided to switch to the major that almost every Asian guy went into: computer science. But when I looked at the curriculum I knew computer since was not for me. Fortunately, the computer science and art department decided to create a brand new major called Digital Arts and Multimedia Design. Without knowing what it was I switched to it simply because it sounded cool to me.

With my first Pentium II PC my mom bought with a loan from my cousin and the Adobe and Macromedia programs the computer lab technician at La Salle hooked me up, my career was born. Fifteen years later I still love what I do. Throughout my professional career I learned most of the things myself including design. Today I am starting the next chapter of my education. Actually I started last year in Information Systems Technology, but had to drop within two months. For one, I decided to move on to a new position. For two, the real reason, I was not into the business side of it.

Graphic design is a much better fit for me. Most of my web works in the early days were drawn from graphic design. Now with the explosion of web typography and high quality retina display, learning the established design principles from print makes a whole lot of sense. I am very excited to broadening my design sensibility.
