Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

As you step inside the Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, prepare yourself for doses of adrenaline rush. This film is definitely one of a kind romantic comedy with imaginative screenplay and brilliant performances.

The process of erasing your unwanted memories using technologies intrigues me. So which memory do you want to defragment? The “love” drive, please. Ouch! That hot chic I stored in my memory two years ago is corrupted and she is infecting my brain cells. Let’s drag her ass to the trashcan to free up some memories for MP3s. Sorry, I am getting a bit carry away here but mad props to Charlie Kaufman (screenplay) and Michel Gondry (director) for this creative work of art.

Of course, the cast gives topnotch performances in order to hold the viewers attentions for two hours of craziness. I have never liked Carrey until this film. I just can’t stand his goofiness in other movies. Even though Joel Barish is a dramatic character, Carrey’s goofiness still slips through a couple of time. Kate Winslet is outstanding in a role that she is not known for. Kirsten Dunst, Tom Wilkinson, Elijah Woods and Mark Ruffalo enhance the film with their part.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is creative, original, engaging and fun. My only complain is the jerkiness of the camera. I was having trouble focusing because of motion sickness. Thankfully the acting and the storyline kept me in tuned.
