Dead Man Walking—The Journey Continues

Sister Helen Prejean, best known as the author of Dead Man Walking, gave an inspiring lecture on the death penalty and the injustice system. Minorities and the poors are more on deathrow than the whites and the riches. She covered many incidents during her journey and the interesting one she touched on was president George Bush. He executed a woman while he was a Texas governor. According to Sr. Prejean, the woman had picked up the bible and began to changed her life. She also taught other prisoners the words of God. She could have been sentenced to life but Bush decided to execute her. The woman’s life and death were in his own hands. He had the power to give her half of a chance but he did not.

Watch the film Dead Man Walking, if you haven’t seen it; however, her lecture was even better then the film. The way she described her experience and her interaction with the prisoner was phenomenon. She also expressed how hard it was facing the conflict between the victim and the accused murderer family members. At the end, she encouraged Vassar students to get a good education and start taking actions against death penalty.
